Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Word of the day: 'Tarmac'

It's precious when dictionary definitions include other words you have to look up. Mine defines "tarmac" as "A bituminous road or surface." Wow, thanks.

"Bituminous," in turn, means "Like or containing bitumen." Oh, OK.

And finally we get to the bottom of it. "Bitumen" refers to a component of asphalt and tar.

I chose "tarmac" as my first word of the day because I just like it. It's no-nonsense. Doesn't even have a "k" on the end of it, which makes me wonder how it survived the spelling inquisition where all words ending with the letter "c" were forced to add a "k."

"Tarmack" just wouldn't be the same. So, tarmac, I salute you.

The word also reminds me of some great memories, tarmacs across which I have traveled on my way to somewhere better, bigger or more exciting. A tarmac is all I've seen of South Carolina, when a flight to North Carolina was diverted during a rainstorm and landed for half an hour just over the border. And I plan on seeing my first one in Asia this summer, when we fly to China (see "Countdown," below).

Blogger's note: Books, and especially dictionaries, are full of good words. Feel free to leave a comment sharing one of your favorites, and keep watching for more of mine.

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