Monday, June 25, 2007

Word of the day: 'Fluorescent'

To the adjective describing the most mind-numbingly white light imaginable;
To the way that light drowns colors and bestows headaches;
To the way fluorescent bulbs pop when they shatter;
To the fact that it is perhaps the only kind of light that actually makes one feel colder;
To the frustrated writers who can never figure out how it's spelled;
I say,

At least it is an interesting word, with a "u" before an "o." And it even comes packaged with a verb that I bet no one has ever used before: "Fluoresce," which means, roughly, to act fluorescent. Please let me know if you ever use "fluoresce" legitimately in a sentence. You may win some kind of prize, and it will most likely be a pocket protector, because you are either a bored scientist or crossword puzzle freak and I know how you guys love your pencils.


Anonymous said...

The mushroom cloud fluoresced as it hung above the devastated city.

May I have the pencil? I gave up pocket protectors long ago.

Tom said...

Sorry, I should have specified that the prize was only valid if your use of the word was incidental, over coffee, when discussing pop culture with someone who did not graduate high school... I'm glad to know my mom's not into pocket protectors, though.

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