Thursday, June 14, 2007

Cows and dirty feet

This morning, my middle nephew stood at the threshold of our front door and peered in. Dori had come inside for something, but he stayed outside.

"Come here and give me a hug," I said.
"I can't," he replied. "My feet are duh-ty."

His feet, it seems, are always dirty. Those are his on the left:

Jason also has a great lisp. Last Sunday, he held up a shiny red model car and announced, "I have a Fewawi." Cars are "cows," and my wife's name is "Do-wee." He is even a little self-conscious about it, which makes it even cuter.

Some friends of ours have six kids, all full of personality and opinion. The parents made a book of all the outrageous things their kids said, and it was astounding. It gave me the idea of keeping a similar log of conversations I have with my nephews, since I see them every day. I'll post them here every so often.

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