Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Countdown: 1 day

So. (That is how the unknown author of Beowulf starts his story, and I always liked it.) We are down to our last full day at home before we leave for China. Our journey will begin at the Bolt's house, then we'll carpool to Los Angeles International Airport, then we'll fly--or, more accurately, be flown--for nearly 13 hours, landing in Beijing on Saturday.

Neither Dori nor I has ever been on a plane for longer than about four hours, and we have never flown on a 747. We are not sure whether to look forward to the experience, or dread it. But it is what we'll do once we step off the plane in Beijing that is the purpose of our journey, so even if the flight is awful, it won't matter.

In recent days, I have noticed slight changes in my attitude toward children. I saw a little guy get his finger pinched in the swinging door of a trash can at a fast food restaurant yesterday, and I was overcome with compassion. And yesterday may have been the first time I have not, in some small way, felt uneasy about spending two weeks trying to cheer and love a bus load of orphans.

I believe this is an answer to prayers--my own, when I have asked that my heart be prepared for the task, and those of others. So thank you. For my wife's part, I believe she carries in her a strong love for children that never needed bolstering. What we both still need are prayers for stamina, good health and servant-like love for our teammates.

I will try to post a few updates from Beijing while we are there, but my first priority will be seeing to the Bring Me Hope blog, where photos and writing will probably be several times a week. If you are interested in seeing and reading about our daily activities with the kids, I would highly recommend visiting that blog.

Well, that's all I have for now. I must go pack or something. Thanks again for your support.

1 comment:

Justin and Erin McDonald said...

Tom and Dori,

We are so excited for both of you. We cannot wait to hear about all that God is going to do through you. And as for the long flight and the 747, make it an adventure. We will be lifting you up in prayer.

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