Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Reporting on Fallbrook fire

I'm not sure if anybody will be checking this blog during the next day or two, but if you have come here looking for information about the Rice fire in Fallbrook, our family, my role in covering the fire, etc., I want to fill you in.

I worked 13 hours yesterday and I'm going on nine hours today. This is the worst fire in the history of this town, and I must say on the front end, the blaze claimed my parents' house at Valley Oaks yesterday. So if I get emotional at all during this post, please forgive me.

I've just returned to downtown Fallbrook from Valley Oaks, and the place is desolate. The northern half of the park is totally destroyed. I broke down when I finally walked around my parents' lot and saw things I recognized in the ashes. It was also eerie to walk around the streets I've walked so often, either in deep conversation with my mom or when courting Dorinda. I have so many good memories in that park, to see it torn apart is hard.

Taking a wider view of the crisis, the fire is far from going out. It's still threatening to move closer to downtown Fallbrook--and, by extension, our little guest house behind my sister's home. Plus, it's spreading into De Luz and south toward Highway 76. It's going to be a long couple of days before it's finally put out, and I don't even know when Dori can come back from her parents' house in Oceanside.

I must say, thank you all so much for your prayers. All the fire authorities were worried when I awoke this morning, fearing that the anticipated 50 MPH winds would drive the fire to our doorstep, but by 10 a.m., there was really no wind stirring. 11 a.m., nothing. Noon, I looked out the window in the North County Times office in Fallbrook, and there was still no wind. It is now 3 p.m. and the trees aren't moving outside. That means the fire isn't spreading, and it's exactly the news we've all been hoping to hear. So keep praying for calm, humid weather with a coastal breeze.

If you would like to stay up on my Fallbrook fire coverage, please visit www.nctimes.com. I will be posting updates throughout the week, and may even be able to provide a first-person piece about my experience today at Valley Oaks.

Again, this community--along with many others in Southern California--needs your prayers.

Here are a few pictures I took today.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tom,
It's Stephanie. Quick question (the TV news is reporting nothing on Fallbrook): If the fire were to reach town, would it be on the North end of town?

th3fish said...

I have converted my site Rice Fire to an information and collaboration center for the fire.

Heather said...

Hi Tom,
All the Schaffner's our praying for God's grace on all of our dear friends in Fallbrook. I am sorry for your parents loss, thankful they are ok. Where are they staying? How is your grandparents house in Rainbow? Please let us know what we can do to help. Our home is open if there is a need. My email is jeanne.schaffner@eaglespeakie.org and cell is 951.541.6197
Jeanne Schaffner

Tom said...

To Stephanie: Yes, it would be. However, the fire isn't moving toward town much tonight. It's mostly growing out by Rainbow.

To Jeanne: Thank you for your prayers and kind words. My grandparents actually moved--get this--into the same mobile home park as my parents. Their home is gone, too.

Everyone, I'll update this blog as soon as I can. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Deliesse said...

hey tom... i have some evacuees staying at my house and they are curious about if the following structures have survived the fire: Potter Junior High, Live Oak Elementary, and the Collector and Hidden Forest Art Gallery (they are on the same property across from the old school house on Live Oak Park Road). Let me know... just leave a comment on my MySpace if you can. Thanks So Much!!

Annie said...

Awesome pictures. Somehow I missed seeing them earlier.

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