Thursday, May 1, 2008

What is up

Here is a little sampling of what's going on in our busy lives right now:

-- In early April, I applied to U.S.C. for a specialized journalism program that begins this August and would result in a master's degree in about 10 months. I would be learning how to cover global human rights struggles and humanitarian causes. Haven't heard yet whether I've been accepted; haven't figured out how to pay for it, either...

-- We're getting close to buying plane tickets for our second trip to China. This time, we'll be heading to Nanchang for two weeks in mid-July, then spending three to four more weeks in Beijing as I write a book about Bring Me Hope, the orphans and the Olympics. This means we'll be away from home for more than a month, and will need to figure out how to keep everything here paid for while we're away. Support letters will be mailed in the very near future.

-- Photography. I'm trying to start taking portraits and getting paid for it.

-- Our very dear friends, Justin and Erin McDonald, moved this week to The Philippines, fulfilling a long-held goal to become missionaries to that nation. We will miss them at church, where they each wore several hats and helped with pretty much everything but the preaching. And we will miss hanging out with them, although we may be able to visit them while in the neighborhood (read: Asia) this summer. Read their ministry's blog here.

There is much more going on, but these are the highlights. I hope to start blogging on a semi-regular basis again between now and when we leave for China. Thanks for reading!

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